To be frank, anything about us would not amount to anything other than for the One whose wisdom and grace makes us what we are. While we ourselves cannot claim to be the 'smarts' behind what we do, we can brag about the One who sustains us. Yes the ONE who is well known to some and still unknown to many. He is the initiator, the motivator, and the sustainer of our efforts. He is known as the Creator, the Maker, the Almighty, the Ancient of Days, as nobody knows His age. And His image was reflected in the lives and work of Father Damien, Mother Teresa and the like while they saw His image reflected in neglected and suffering souls. So, it is all about Him, our God. Though His ways appear strange we simply want to place our stakes on Him! In other words ours is one more ad- or odd-venture just to try Him out! So, it is nothing, absolutely nothing about us, but everything about Him and Him alone!
The main objective is to render healthcare where our governmental services are unable to reach, thus sharing the burden of the government and the community at large.
"Bear one another's burden-so fulfill the law of Christ."
Rev. Dr. Samuel Kamaleson, President, Friends Missionary Prayer Band & Former Vice-President, World Vision International. |
Dr. Chandra Asirvadham, Fellow Royal College, U.K., Consultant, Diocesan Hospitals, Chenna |
Rev. John Kirubakaran, General Secretary, Friends Missionary Prayer Band, Chennai |
Rev.Ashok Vedanayagam.
EX.Director,Navodaya,(FMPB) & Founder 'SISHYA' |
How did we go about it?
We wanted....
1) to choose a place where there is no medical aid for about a 10 km radius.
2) to conduct regular out-patient services for five days a week. (We are now doing it for just about 4 days a week)
3) to identify patients requiring surgery, that can be managed in our centre, then contact willing teams that are ready to render free help, fix dates, prepare the needy and keep them ready. The team arrives and stays with us for two full days to help out as much as possible.
The beneficiaries are those who could not have any help from the near-by government institutions and cannot travel and spend days away from home if they are to be waitlisted in major government centres. These people are the ones that can neither go far away from their homes nor afford private treatment, as even in a small set-up the cost may vary from 5 to 15 or even 20 thousand rupees. The poorest of the poor, widows and orphans are our priorities.("What ever you did to one of the least of these brothers ,you did it to me"--Christ Jesus) |
The team of benefactors consists of people of different faiths, but believe in a creator and very strongly believe in universal brotherhood, and have unshakable conviction that our expertise, time and wealth must be shared amongst our less fortunate brothers. |
Our main helpers (for nursing assistance) are the local youth who have attempted some form of schooling. They seem to do a great job and lack of proper education helps in keeping them from being haughty and to have better relationship with the patients. |
After our initial requests in 1998 we have never ever made any appeal for any financial help, and with God's help we are determined to continue our work without making any monetary demands from the patients (except for blood and investigations which they are requested to manage on their own).
We strongly believe in the statement of the missionary Hudson Taylor, that GOD'S WORK DONE IN GOD'S WAY SHALL NEVER LACK GOD'S SUPPLY.
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