Our first tragedy struck us even before the initial inauguration. My beloved uncle Mr. Irwin Manickam and his wife Mrs. Kasthuri, along with another uncle Mr. Ernest were eager to travel by a jeep which was bought for use at the centre, from Madurai to Chennai. He, being a retired Indian Railway employee cancelled his free travel passes in the train and traveled in this jeep leaving Madurai around 8 AM on 17th March 2000. Neither the jeep or my uncle reached Chennai. Just about 10 kilometers from Srirangam the jeep met with a terrible accident and my uncle Irwin breathed his last at the site of the accident. Others survived with minor injuries. The loss was shattering, irrepairable, unexplainable and led us to even question our plans and aspirations. 

February 2006: A luxury car -Tata Safari -WITH 4 WHEEL DRIVE  was added to our assets through another Mr.Irwin-A merecoincidence?!!         










                       Many of our patients have had miraculous (unexplainable) comebacks, almost from the point of death. Only our anesthetists (Drs. Devarajan, Gopal, Ravi, Sheeba, Senthil, Niranjan and others) know what they went through and how they came out of it. What  astonishes me is their (the visiting anesthetists') faith and commitment. Once when a patient who was refused anesthesia at Kidwai Memorial Hospital (a premier oncology centre in Bangalore) Dr. Kalavathy Moses (Anesthetist, Rainey Hospitals) said this patient with such a foul smelling ulcerating growth badly needs the toilet mastectomy at least for social acceptance. If we, who claim to believe in God do not take up this challenge, who else will?  Whom are we to thank but God the Almighty who imparts such  confidence.

We are not without losses. It is extremely difficult for us when we lose patients and take comfort from the Almighty. These losses are personal and the experience keeps us humble and helps us re-evaluate ourselves - if we  have been haughty, foolhardy or negligent and we try to get ourselves right before Him.

Mr.Kulandai (Papillary carcinoma; thyroid with secondaries)
Mrs. Konnammal (Basal Cell Carcinoma Face).
Mrs. Malleriammal (Cancer Colon)
Basuvarani, Basavammal and Nagammal (Puerperal)
Mrs. Chandramma & Mr.Dasappa (Septicemia)                                                                             B/O Kalyani (Mec. aspiration)

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